Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Toy Run, 2012
You can find out more about the toy bowl at PBU's website here. Also, to see the article that the Pueblo Chieftain featured on the event, click here. And as always, here's the slideshow of what I took below.
It was kind of interesting this year...as I took photos, I would periodically download them to the computer and display them on the projector, while the event was going on! I thought that was kind of fun...
Friday, November 16, 2012
Home-Built PC
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Apparently, this is what the inside of our processor (Intel Core i7) looks like. Image from: http://www.expertreviews.co.uk/processors /1281844/intel-core-i7-2600k |
Monday, November 5, 2012
General Update
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Josh and Emily Pregnancy Photos
Went out after work yesterday afternoon to the Pueblo Riverwalk (I love that place, plus Mrs. Emily thought it would look good, too). It would have been nice to wait until we were a little closer to sunset, but we had been working that day and were ready to go home as soon as possible.
We only took a few minutes and walked around just a little, but I think we got some pretty good ones. I used the flash in a lot of situations (even though I usually try to avoid flash--just a personal preference). The lighting was pretty harsh, so I needed the extra light in the deep shadows.
I still wasn't quite happy with the photos when I got home. They were okay, but not as good as I thought they could be. So I ran them through Adobe Lightroom (I'm still just on a trial version, but I'm planning on purchasing it before my 30 days are up). I went through them with Emily, choosing which ones were good and which ones didn't make the cut. After that, I cleaned them up, cropped a few of them in, adjusted the levels and made some other edits. I also added a vignette on a few of them.
Everything was done in that one Lightroom application, from import to...well, export, I suppose! That made things pretty quick and painless. The same evening, the photos were on Facebook and being admired by family members. Pretty smooth workflow, I think! Here's the slideshow...
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Homecoming Portraits Job
General Update
First of all, I have finally enrolled with New York Institute of Photography! The package was waiting for me by the time I got home from the trip, so now I have been studying a couple lessons. So far, I think it's great! The lessons are pretty simple for now as it is designed for anyone from professionals to beginners, but it looks like it will pick up in complexity in another few lessons.
Also, I have started my new job at Barnes and Noble. I think I am doing okay, but I am still just beginning and so am kind of clueless for now, but my boss says I'll learn things soon and get better and faster. The first day was actually kind of fun--I had been afraid that my first day of work would be hard and I'd have to get to know everybody, but it was actually pretty enjoyable.
I'm also looking forward (now that I'm an NYIP student) to purchasing Adobe CS6 Production Premium with an educational discount. Dianne Butts, who I worked with on the 168 Project in February, asked the team and she raised some money to help with the cost, as well. Very excited for what lies ahead!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
The Trip Home
He was able to take us all the way through Utah and into Colorado. We stopped for lunch on the way and we met up with another HonorBound Member. We talked about our situation, and when he learned that we hadn't been able to get my bike, he said he'd get it! We told him he didn't have to, that it was a long way to Pueblo, but he insisted! So, hopefully, I will have my bike after all in a couple weeks.
From there we went to my Uncle's house; he lives in Grand Junction, which was a perfect midpoint. It was dark by the time we got there, so we all stayed there that night. Dad's friend who took us there went back home the following morning (after we talked with him for a good while). We stayed at that house all that day so Dad could figure out how to get home. We ended up renting a U-Haul truck for a few days. The next morning we got a ride from another friend Dad knows in Grand Junction (this guy he had known for years and years--he took us to lunch, and they spent some time catching up). After that he dropped us off at the U-Haul rental place, and we left there in a big truck with an octopus on the side.
We had a hard time loading up the bike; it was a long way up to the back and the ramp wasn't as long as we would have liked, so it was very steep. But once it was on, we got it secured and finally headed home.
We drove home all that day. Since we already had the big truck, we stopped by to pick up some furniture we bought in Pueblo, too. We drove home without any problems, and now I'm at Bikerchurch blogging. So glad to be home!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Note: this post is supposed to be after the first day, but for some reason it keeps going out of order.
When I woke up today, I was glad to see that the sky was completely clear. We had some breakfast at the motel, then packed everything up and got back on the road.
It was colder than Dad or I had expected. It wasn't really that windy, but the sun had only been out for a couple hours and things were still warning up. We took a little extra time to thaw when we stopped.
Were rode as far as the fuel tank would let us for the next few legs (and on a couple, we used most of the reserve tank, too).
As we got through Wyoming the wind kicked up a little. It had finally warmed up, and the riding was great. The mountains had pretty well disappeared, replaced by huge hills and cliffs that reminded me of New Mexico or Nevada.
We headed a little more toward the south and crossed into Utah. We had also crossed the Continental Divide and I noticed that we were headed downhill pretty quick.
We finally got to the town we were looking for, but then we were looking for the right house. After we found the house, we knocked on the door, called because no one was home, then, when Dad's friend came, he let us in, showed us or room, and gave us some time to relax after the day's ride. I was happy to unpack so soon after getting in.
It's been a big day of riding--500 miles, dad said. We had hoped to do most of it yesterday, but, of course, after the rain and hail, we had to catch up today. Glad that we did it and that that part of the trip is completed!
Idaho...So Close!
When we got to the church (early, so Dad could make preparations for the sermon) Sunday School was about to start, as well as the morning youth group. I was invited, but I was hesitant to go. I've never really been comfortable with the youth group crowd, and as I get closer and closer to becoming a man, I feel less and less inclined to attend things catering to youth. I mean, I've worked at the "kids zone" my whole life! I'm used to entertaining kids rather than being the kid. But the pastor invited me too and Dad said I should go, do I did. It was alright, I may even have learned a thing or two.
The church service went well. Dad went up and did his thing; got people laughing, got people thinking. There were a lot of people that talked with him afterward. At the end, the congregation prayed for Dad and I.
After church the pastor took us out to lunch at a big buffet. Had a great time, eating and talking.
From the parking lot of that buffet Dad and I headed out for Jackson to get my bike. We had already packed everything into the bike in the morning, we were good to go and I was excited!
That leg was going good. I had been a little tired from the food, but it didn't last very long and soon I was just looking at the red mountains. We got into Idaho in a few minutes. Things were going great...until I heard a big thunk and the motorcycle felt like it downshifted without the clutch! I also heard something fall off and go clinking down the road.
Dad pulled it over and we assessed the damage. The problem? A great big hole in the bottom of the motor. We still aren't sure exactly what happened, but the bike is definitely out of commission for a while!
Well, we called the pastor back (since he was not only close by but is almost the only person we really know in Utah) and he brought his trick with a trailer on the back. Couldn't help feeling I had been in this same basic situation before...
Now we're back at his house. Dad is trying to figure out a plan to get it tailored so we can get it and ourselves home. This is the closest I've gotten to my motorcycle!...but its just not going to happen this time.
Kids Festival
Usually at an event involving kids, bounce houses, candy and a show, I am busy taking photos for the ministry, setting things up or controlling the sound system. But today I found myself doing not much at all. Everyone already had their own jobs; this wasn't an event put on by us, we were just there to help. Kind of different for me.
Since I didn't have to do anything, I just had some fun. There were hotdogs for everyone, and lots of them, so I was able to have a few throughout the day. Also, there were several programs including a juggler/magician that kept things going. The event was held in the parking lot of the church, which was a slot in a shopping center. Dad and I took some time to explore a little on the inside, and it turned out to be a lot larger on the inside than it looked.
The event went for about four hours. Dad closed it out with a short message to the kids and adults, also mentioning he would be preaching at the church the next morning.
We helped people close down a little at the end, then Dad got talking with the juggler, who as it turned out, Dad already knew. After that, we went back to the house, had dinner with the pastor, and went to bed. It's been a pretty busy day, even if we weren't necessarily on the motorcycle. I can't wait to go get my bike tomorrow!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Rough Start
I'm always a little nervous right before a big trip (even though this one isn't nearly as long as Run For The Wall). That's the way I felt this morning as we all got packed. However, as usual, things got better as soon as we were on the road.
It was a little cloudy when we started. The slightly overcast sky got worse as we headed up I-25 through Springs and Denver, and the traffic also got a lot heavier (as can be expected). I've been through Denver a few times in a car, but I noticed everything seems much larger and more intimidating on a motorcycle.
After we got past the big cities, it was very flat. Lots of prairie, but we could still just see the mountains in the distance. What we also saw were large, black clouds that had been steadily looking worse the further north we went. Pretty soon rain was coming down fairly heavy. But we were in real trouble when it started to hail. We pulled over and Dad got his rain gear on. After we got back on the road it was only a couple more minutes and it cleared up. Things looked great for a good stretch. We passed through the Wyoming state line without incident, but it was not long after that when the hail started up again. We weren't sure how long it was going to go and we were getting worn out pretty fast, so Dad took an exit and we stopped at a Motel for the night.
We haven't gone as far as we hoped, but it was real rough today. I was real glad to stop early. Hopefully tomorrow it will be a little more clear and we can go farther...
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Sturgis photos
Motorcycle Trip Preparations (General Update)
In the last few weeks, I have graduated high school, taken (and passed, thankfully!) the ABATE Beginning Rider's Course, enrolled in New York Instute of Photography's Complete Course in Proffesional Photography and now am getting my motorcycle insured so that I can ride it back from Wyoming on a trip we're starting on next week. Also, I might possibly have a job at Barnes and Noble soon--but, of course, I won't know for sure until it's happened (if it does, hopefully). I've been waiting a long time for a lot of this stuff to happen, and now it's happening all at once.
I'm very excited about the motorcycle trip coming up. I'll be riding up with dad on his bike, then I'll get mine and ride it down. It's going to be a big trip for my first ride, but Dad is going to be choosing the route and he'll be working with me. Right now I'm just in the process of packing and getting ready for the trip. We leave this Friday, so it won't be long now!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Race to the Rides video
Race to the Rides from Zachary Hubbell on Vimeo.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Website I Designed
The website host he is with did most of the work for me--it was mostly just customizing templates, photoshopping some graphics and getting words together (along with embedding a few widgets). I think it turned out pretty well--you can check it out at:
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Pueblo Zoo Photos
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Family Reunion/Matchless Mountain Hike Pictures
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Sturgis Bike Week: Final days

We had something of a makeshift show at the end. Dad didn't have much of a script, but it turned out working well without much of a script. A lot of it was thanking people for all their help--we'd thank a group, then bring out a puppet or character for the kids to say goodbye to. Dad even mentioned me. He was going to have me wave at the audience through the puppet windows, but I suggested just throwing a thumbs up to the kids without showing anything else to kind of keep the mystery of the sound man who controls everything but is not seen except behind the closed curtains...I thought it was kind of cool! We also gave away the Mp3 Player that the kids had been competing for all week.
It was getting chilly by the time we finished and the rain looked again like it might come down on us, so we started tearing down the whole setup as soon as we could. The next hour or two were very busy--lots of work, whether folding and rolling up bounce houses or hauling bins or stacking supplies into a tightly-crammed trailer. We were all very glad when it was over. We had still managed to avoid the rain, so none of the equipment was put away wet.
After all that we went to Pizza Ranch in Rapid City to celebrate. We know the manager there--he had been coming to help out since he was around twelve, so we thought it would be a good place to go (and, oh yeah, he gave out a few free buffet tickets)...

The next morning we got up and packed all our stuff up from the church and got it put away. We also cleaned up a little--vacuumed a little and stuff. After that, Dad preached at the same church we were staying at (which made things a little more convenient). We had lunch at Taco John's, then walked around in downtown Sturgis one last time. When we were done with that we took the RV to the church in Rapid City, where we are staying tonight. We had a look at some of T-shirts on sale at some of the stores, but they were all still too expensive, so most of us just went without a shirt this year.
We grabbed some pizza before going back to the church, which is where I am now, blogging away...
We plan on getting up pretty early tomorrow, then heading back home. Ought to be sleeping in my own bed tomorrow night. Pretty strange thought.
It's been a great year. I hope next year will go great like it has this time around!
Hopefully I will be going to get my motorcycle sometime around the end of this month...I'll give more details on that as I get them! Thanks for staying with the blog for Sturgis Bike Week, 2012!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Sturgis Bike Week: Days 5 & 6

Thursday, August 9, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Sturgis Bike Week: Day 4

Sturgis Bike Week: Day 3

Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Sturgis Bike Week: Day 2

Monday, August 6, 2012
Sturgis Setup
Now I'm sitting under the pavilion helping watch the equipment with Mr. Kevin Riley while everyone else is getting dinner. Its the end of a long week and I am tired. And Sturgis Bike Week is only just beginning!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Pueblo Riverwalk at Night
I had the chance to take some pictures at the Pueblo River Walk. My mom took me and my sister to eat dinner at Angelo's Pizza and afterward I walked around. As the evening set in I was glad to have brought my tripod, as I set up many shots that took many seconds of exposure.
Here's some of the best ones...I've been looking into getting a Flickr account for some time now and today I actually did, so I'm able to put up this slide show here...